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Artificial Intelligence – why is it a hot topic?

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Dominic Trigg (pictured) says artificial intelligence (AI) is shaping our world.Dominic Trigg (sml)

It’s been no surprise to me to see the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) being talked about more and more within the media of late. They are the words on everyone’s lips and it is shaping up to be one of the hottest topics of 2014, but why?

AI is changing how companies operate, and how we as individuals go about our daily lives.

AI is something being seriously considered by many of the world’s leading companies. Amazon has started testing their delivery process through the use of drones. Facebook hired an AI guru at the start of the year. And, Google recently acquired DeepMind, a London-based AI firm.

The way we interact with machines is changing. In the past, we would do the thinking and create a machine to help with the finer details of a process. That is no longer the case with machines now doing the thinking, leaving us with the manual work. Think about even the simplest daily activity of driving a car. We plug a destination into the SatNav in our car, the SatNav then calculates the best, and fastest, route for us to take and then directs the driver each step of the way in order to reach the destination. The SatNav does all the thinking; we just do what it tells us to do.

SatNavs, like most machines these days, are able to make the smartest decision possible because of the vast quantity of data they have access to. According a recent study by IDC, the global volume of data is expected to double every two years until 2020. While it’s impossible for humans to sort through this enormous amount of data, identify patterns and make fully-educated decisions, machines are able to. Within milliseconds.

Ad tech companies, such as Rocket Fuel, have known for many years that AI is an incredibly powerful tool that when used to its full potential can help advertisers achieve even greater results for their clients. We use AI to power advertising that learns – simply put, every millisecond our machines get smarter from chewing through data, enabling them to make the smartest decisions about where an advertisement will have the most success.

Rocket Fuel’s technology was developed by NASA scientists and allows us to crunch more data every day than NASDAQ and the NYSE combined. That’s a lot of data, a lot of patterns, a lot of analysis and, because of the power of AI, some great results for clients.

It’s vital to reach the customer at the point of influence when they are considering a purchase. Our platform analyses consumer’s past behaviours including who they follow on Twitter, what brands they like and engage with on Facebook, what online stores they frequently visit and purchase from and their search history.

Even more importantly, AI is able to predict what a customer may be interested in purchasing in the future, which is hugely valuable to advertisers. This means that instead of reaching a customer once they have already made their mind up on a product, ads reach a customer at the very beginning of their purchase journey. Right time, right place. Great results.

So what does the future hold? It’s clear that AI is already doing amazing things for companies throughout the world, especially in the advertising and marketing industries. As technologies continue to improve, I imagine there will be a whole new range of areas where AI can be used to benefit everyone. After all, we will need to keep up with the huge increase of data that is expected each year.

Crunching and analysing data in order to make the smartest decisions are not easy tasks for you and I, but through the use of AI technologies, results far beyond anything a human could dream of are possible.

Dominic Trigg is European managing director, Rocket Fuel.

Sally Hooton
Author: Sally Hooton
Editor at The GMA |

Trained as a journalist from the age of 18 and enjoying a long career in regional newspaper reporting and editing, Sally Hooton joined DMI (Direct Marketing International) magazine as editor in 2001. DMI then morphed into The GMA, taking her with it!

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