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The future of entertainment, the power of Big Tech and the loss of a true innovator

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Has the internet screwed the entertainment business? American stand-up Dave Chapelle has an enlightening take. Plus the latest discussions on Big Tech regulation and the sad passing of ecommerce pioneer Tony Hsieh.
global perspectives issue 6

Global Perspectives is our regular round-up of the best marketing ideas and insights to inform and inspire. Here’s what’s grabbed my attention this week…

How the internet has screwed the entertainment business (or has it?)

Dave Chappelle recently streamed an 18 min special on instagram. Seriously this is a must-watch especially if you’re in that industry (but it tells a much bigger story that’s relevant to us all). Story telling, comedy, pathos and yes a deep understanding of the internet and the future of entertainment. (WARNING!: there is explicit language in the clip.)

Want some help unwrapping the story? As usual Ben over at Stratechery has it covered.

Big Tech Regulation (cont.)

In our last two global perspectives we highlighted the ongoing debate on the power of big tech and its regulation. It’s a complex issue, although personally I don’t think it can go entirely unchecked for reasons highlighted before. The US House Judiciary Committee has now released its 449-page report on antitrust behaviour and it makes interesting (if dry) reading.

To save time here is a short summary and a slightly longer look and analysis.

The committee concluded:

“Our investigation leaves no doubt that there is a clear and compelling need for Congress and the antitrust enforcement agencies to take action.”

A dilemma for those who argue for more tech regulation is that currently they are propping up many economies. Amazon has hired 450k people since the start of the pandemic. OK so it’s a unique time with digital channels thriving but with the UK high street being devastated due to the pandemic (and US main street) will the digital juggernaut ever slow down?

The loss of a true innovator and customer champion

We’re sad to hear of the loss of Tony Hsieh in what seems to be a tragic accident. The amazing visionary CEO of Zappos took ecommerce to new levels and took the fight to Amazon (before they just bought him out).

He understood that Marketing and Customer Service were the business. He just happened to sell shoes. His quotes and thoughts on business are a must read for all budding marketers or retailers. Here are just a couple:

“Customer service shouldn’t be a department, it should be the entire company.”

“Have fun. The game is a lot more enjoyable when you’re trying to do more than just make money.”

Mind blowing news from the stars

OK so this has nothing to do with marketing but its such a wonderful piece of science and such an amazing video it needs to be shared. Scientists have reconstructed how they think the Milkyway formed and it was pretty surprising.

“Overall, the researchers think the Milky Way consumed about five galaxies of over 100 million stars, as well as 15 galaxies with 10 million stars or more.” WOW!

Craig Hanna
Author: Craig Hanna
Managing Editor at GMA |

Craig Hanna is part owner and regular contributor to the GMA. He is also a product manager at Acquia for Site Studio, a low-code platform for building and managing enterprise websites in Drupal 8 (Craig was a co-founder of what was known as Cohesion before its acquisition by Acquia). Previously Craig established the training and consultancy business at www.econsultancy,com (Now part of Centaur Plc) and was responsible for the launch of their US office..

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